Último Refugio
del Lince Ibérico
Iberian Lynx Land
Historic centre declarated of cultural interest
Tivoli Cinema (current Lola's)
Old Castle of Andujar

Civil architecture
Urban routes
Sala Lola's (Lola's room), originally Tívoli Theater, is located in the space where the old castle-fortress of the city was located. His record of demolition, approved in the municipal session of January 5, 1932, was presented by don Jose Corbella Pené, on behalf of don Bonoso Lara, and extended by municipal agreement of August 17, 1933.
The project of new work, of Fernando Alzado, was impressive, because it supposed a radical rupture with the architecture of regionalistic or eclectic type that was being realized in the locality, and inaugurated the modern architecture of vanguard, that began to rehearse in the Spanish state
Its metal structure, as a skeleton, the use of concrete, the absence of any element that recalled the architecture of the past, the perfect organization of the space to the intended function, which provided for the elimination of any type of interior support that would obstruct the vision of the spectator in the stalls, his toilets, etc., marveled the andujareño of those years, who saw in the building the symbol of the new times.
This building is usually linked within the expressionist movement, although it is more evident in its facade project than in the interior design of its space. The seating area is presided over by the spectator's resting space, on whose flanks are the stairs and washbasins. The facade, organized in two floors separated by the protective visor, faithfully reflects this described organization, since the aforementioned rest spaces are made to coincide on the facade with large windows that, on the mezzanine floor, are separated with semi-cylindrical pillars, and on the ground floor, with the access doors that flank a wide closing.
The lateral spaces of the stairs are made to coincide, on the facade, with massifs. The flatness of this facade is broken, in its upper part and in the east side -stacks-, with highlighted bodies of curved corners, which are conceived in the form of a square and decorated with horizontal bands, which, together with the large windows, are the elements that give personality to this facade of extreme simplicity.
Association of Friends of the Patrimony of Andujar
First third of the XX century
Party room
Plaza del Castillo, 9
Photo Gallery