Último Refugio
del Lince Ibérico
Iberian Lynx Land
Historic centre declarated of cultural interest
The Three Kings Parade [January 5]
It is celebrated on the evening of January 5. It is composed of a large number of Christmas themed carriages, as well as representations of folk tales. The delegation is formed, in addition, by several bands of music, animation and the royal entourage on horseback.
Candelaria Feast [February 2]
In different neighborhoods of the city traditionally this day is celebrated by making candles in which neighbors participate and contests are organized.
The celebration is known and celebrated with different names: the Presentation of the Lord, the Purification of Mary, the Feast of Light and the Feast of Candelas; The Christ of the Light of the world comes to enlighten everyone as sail or candles, from which the name "Candelaria" is derived.
Carnivals [February / March]
Fiesta de alta participación en nuestra localidad de antiguas raíces populares, que se celebra desde hace tiempo el sábado anterior al comienzo de la cuaresma; se realza su popularidad a partir de la etapa constitucional. En la actualidad, es una fiesta multicolor y llena de encanto e ilusión por la participación de los ciudadanos y diversas agrupaciones o comparsas tradicionales.
Transfer of the Virgen de la Cabeza [may]
Transfer of the Virgen de la Cabeza from her Chapel, which she has in the city, to the Church of St. Michael to celebrate the Novena. It ends with the Procession of the Virgin in her transfer back to the Chapel.
May crosses [first days of may]
The crosses of May give name to a popular celebration that is celebrated in the first days of May and that consist of the installation of crosses adorned with flowers in the squares and streets. The crosses, as the central axis, are surrounded by plants and pots with a traditional decoration that reflects the characters of the area. At present, they are accompanied by a bar to supply typical food and drink from the land.
This festivity every year wins in solemnity and decorative quality. The streets are filled with altars and flowers promoted by brotherhoods, guilds, as well as other collectives, which can participate in the contest organized by the City Council.

Patronal Feast in honor to Saint Eufrasio [15 of may]
Different religious acts are celebrated during the week, as well as a lively festival in the neighborhood of San Eufrasio.
Disciple of the apostle Santiago proclaimed the Gospel for the known world, being sent to the Iberian Peninsula. Since a relic of San Eufrasio was brought to Andújar in 1597, the city received it as patron and dedicated worship and festivities to it every year. Every May 15th, it celebrates its festivity and procession to its holy image accompanied by the municipal corporation and many devotees.
In the festival, of popular character, various fair attractions and booths participate to enjoy the good Andalusian wine and of course the tasty tapas of the earth.

Feast of the Divina Pastora [june]
It is considered the oldest and most popular verbena of those existing in our city. It is celebrated by Pentecostés with a great devotion to the Virgin Mary in her invocation of the "Divina Pastora", whose image resides in the parish church of the same name, and which is the processioned through the streets of the neighborhood of the "bullring". All the children who have made First Communion that year participate in the procession.

Festivity of Corpus Christi [june]
This festival, which is movable according to the Easter of Resurrection, is moved in Andújar to the Sunday immediately following. The city is adorned with typical carpets and mosaics of colored sawdust and reeds, balconies with shawls, flowers, vases and numerous altars where the procession must pass, which has its exit from the Parish Church of Old St. Mary.
The custody of Corpus Christi is kept in the Convent of the Limpia y Pura Concepción protected by the Trinitarian Mothers. It is a magnificent custody of silver, municipal property, which has three bodies conjugating with a unique mastery architectural elements, biblical imagery and geometric reliefs that point towards a refined mannerism. The author is Juan de Arfe (1535-1603), a well-known goldsmith of German origin.

Feast of the Virgen del Carmen [july 16]
Since its creation in the nineties, the image of La Señora del Monte Carmelo, is located in the parish church of Santiago Apostle in the neighborhood of La Lagunilla, where it is processioned by his young brotherhood under costaleros and with great popular devotion, standing out by its difficulty the exit and entrance of the image through the parochial door and by the true moments of emotion and Marian faith that are lived.
The brotherhood organizes the proclamation, the Triduum, the Holy Rosary, the floral offering, the Brotherhood Mass, as well as the solemn Feet Kissing, acts that take place on the dates before the processional exit on July 16.
Celebration of Santiago Apostle [july25]
This apostle has been in Andújar, for centuries, the fervor of the people of Andújar, practiced in the vicinity of the church of the same name, next to the popular "Pollos de Santa Clara". At the end of the 19th century, this church ceased to be a center of religious practice, and in the early eighties of the twentieth century, this devotion was placed in the church of the Holy Trinity, which would change its name to Santiago Apostle, where since 1981 is venerated an image made by the local sculptor Don Antonio González Orea, acquired by popular collection by the residents of the neighborhood of La Lagunilla.
Every July 25 his brotherhood processes him through the typical streets of the neighborhood under popular clamor.
Feast of the Appearance of the Virgen de la Cabeza [night of august 11 to 12]
Se celebra en el Real Santuario de la Virgen de la Cabeza. Las cofradías y particulares realizan sus ofrendas, se celebra una misa y procesionan a la Virgen por la noche.
Popular Neighborhood Verbenas [summer]
Each neighborhood celebrates a small festival during the summer months, such as the neighborhood of La Paz, San Bartolomé or La Lagunilla, the latter in honor of Santa Ana.
Fair and parties of Andújar [second week of september]
The origin of this fair goes back to the year 1801, and in it the farmers and cattle ranchers of the region were given annual appointment to exchange and / or buy animals and tools for their daily tasks. From these remote origins, the Fair has evolved to our days where we find a lively party with important appointments, including Anducab. The Fairgrounds houses many booths and attractions that encourage adults and children. During the fair, bullfights, sports competitions, musical performances, equestrian activities and various cultural events are held.
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All Saints' Day [november 1]
The andujareños celebrate this day in the Sierra de Andújar Natural Park and in other countryside areas near the city, where large groups of families and friends gather around a table with good food, among which the traditional "Gachas with matalauva" can not miss.

Festivity of Saint Cecilia [november 18]
This day a procession of the Saint is celebrated through the main streets of the city and different cultural events are held around the music.

Procession of La Inmaculada [december 8]
The devotion in Andújar to the clean conception of Mary has always been very great, especially during the seventeenth century, and even more when a plague epidemic ravaged the environment and did not affect the city thanks to the prayers of the andujareños, then was voted to celebrate a solemn octave in the convent of Trinitarias Calzadas, which was accepted.
In its festivity its beautiful 16th century polychrome image is processioned through the streets of Andújar, accompanied by all the brotherhoods and guilds of glory and passion of the city, by a multitude of citizens and the municipal corporation.
Christmas [december - january]
In addition to the extraordinary lighting, exhibitions of Nativity scenes of different associations and schools, end of the year concert, bells and fireworks, and the traditional cavalcade, different activities are programmed for children and adults.