Último Refugio
del Lince Ibérico
Iberian Lynx Land
Historic centre declarated of cultural interest
One Pass
Reclining Christ
Work of the sculptor Francisco Palma Burgos. April 1949. Carried on a litter by the Cuerpo de Hermanos Portadores. Santa Cruz, work of Antonio Quirós. Posters with motifs alluding to the Passion in monuments in Andújar, the work of local painter Rafael de los Santos Toribio Fernández. Carried on a litter by Cuerpo de Guizqueras. It is the first Brotherhood that incorporated in Andújar women to carry out tasks reserved, traditionally, to men.

Cristo Yacente. ©Manuel José Gómez
SANTO SEPULCRO 2016 (2:30)
Video de Luis Lara F.
Old Parish Church of St. Bartholomew.
1684. Although there are references to its origin by the year 1580. The drafting of the first known Statutes takes place on December 25, 1684, not knowing all the events of this Association of the Catholic Church from that date until the year 1805 in which begins the oldest of the books of Cabildos preserved until today and that, after several efforts, was delivered by the City of Andújar to his property.
The Nazarene brothers wear a purple tunic with a black buttonhole, moccia and cape. On the moccia is the coat of arms of the brotherhood, and on the cape, on the left side, a white cross. They wear gloves and black shoes. The tunic is girded with yellow cingulum, knotted with five knots recalling the Five Wounds of Christ and topped with tassels. They are accompanied by a Mantilla Crew.
At 9:00 p.m., from the San Bartolomé slide in the direction of Vera-Cruz Street. Return to the Temple about 00:30 a.m.
San Bartolomé slide, Vera-Cruz, Colladas, Jesús y María, Calancha, Vieja square, Del Castillo square (Facade of the Tívoli cinema´s old building), Isidoro Miñón, Alhóndiga, Santa María square, Pintor Zabaleta, República Argentina, España square, Feria street, Altozano Maestro Serrano Plato, Altozano Arzobispo José Manuel Estepa, Aduana, Altozano de Santiago, Altozano del Convento, Fernando Quero, Del Castillo square, Vieja square, San Bartolomé slide to its temple.
The Brotherhood is the first among the Guilds / Brotherhoods of Passion in recovering routes that once followed the Guilds and Brotherhoods of Andújar.