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Guild of the Santa Vera-Cruz and Very Old, Pontifical, Illustrious and Venerable Brotherhood of Nuestro Padre Jesús atado a la Columna, Ntro. Padre Jesús Nazareno, Nuestra Señora de los Dolores y San Juan Evangelista

Solemn Penitential Via-Crucis with Nuestro Padre Jesús atado a la Columna

Brotherhood of Vera-Cruz

Friday of Dolores


Easter Week

One Pass


Our Father Jesus tied to the Column

The Image of Nuestro Padre Jesus atado a la Columna is the work of the Extremadura-born artist, based in Seville, Don Juan Blanco Pajares, made in 1944 following the Mannerist models that contemplate Jesus tied to a column with a long shaft. Christ has the shroud carved and after the intervention carried out in 2011 by the sculptor-imaginary Manuel Luque Bonillo, from Córdoba, we can see again on his skin the wounds produced by the Roman scourges. Christ shows powers of eighteenth-century sterling silver, restored by the Cordovan goldsmith Antonio Cuadrado, which incorporates a fleur-de-lis.


Video de Andújar Televisión


Old Parish Church of St. Bartholomew


The Guild of Santa Vera-Cruz of Andújar is the dean of the penance brotherhoods of the city. It was founded in 1427 by papal bull granted by Pope Martin V. The Vera Cruz came to be formed by six squads, each chaired by his own Eldest Brother, under the responsibility, all of them, of a general steward.

As it did from old, the Brotherhood announces the passage of its procession through the figure of a trumpeter playing a handle with two bells


The brothers wear dark suits, burning red wax in memory of the Blood of Christ shed for our Redemption. The origins of this penitential Brotherhood are reminded of it, that it was of blood in past centuries, as the penance of its confreres was the public flogging.


The Way of the Cross will begin at the end of Holy Mass, at approximately 8:15 p.m


San Bartolomé, Jordán, Tiradores, Vieja square, San Francisco, Autonomía square, San Antonio, Eduardo Criado, Vieja square, Vendederas, Villegas, Vera-Cruz, San Bartolomé slide.

The course of Nuestro Padre Jesús atado a la Columna walks to the place where the missing convent of San Francisco de Asís was located (next to the current Supply Plaza)

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