Último Refugio
del Lince Ibérico
Iberian Lynx Land
Historic centre declarated of cultural interest
Gastronomy of Andujar
Andujar Recipes
The Alboronia is a ratatouille. Dish together with the horticultural products of this land that have had a deserved fame, since eggplants, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, onions, peas, zucchini, etc., that is, the vegetable of time; They are prepared fried and sauteed and the presence of virgin olive oil is essential. It can also be called "Almoronia" (popular), and its name comes from the Arabic voice "al-buraniyya", derived from the Burán, wife of the Caliph alMamun, since it was prepared at his sumptuous wedding. It can be presented with a fried egg and / or with ham.
1 large eggplant
1 zucchini
2 carrots
2 onions
100 grams of green beans
1 red pepper
2 green peppers
2 tomatoes
3 garlic cloves
Olive oil
Other types of vegetables or mushrooms
Wash and clean all the vegetables, peel the onions and cut them into dice, putting each of them separately in containers.
Put a saucepan with virgin olive oil on the fire, remove and add the vegetables according to the hardness of each of them. To each of the vegetables go giving a cooking time so that in the end everything has the same texture. Once everything is ready, tender, add water or tomato juice, fried garlic with oregano that will have been mashed in a mortar previously.
Boil a few moments and add a cup of fried tomato, let it cook for another minute. If you see that it is not very juicy, add tomato juice or water.
Lavar y limpiar todas las verduras, pelar las cebollas y cortarlas en dados, poniendo cada una de ellas por separado en recipientes.
Poner al fuego una cacerola con aceite de oliva virgen, desahumar e ir echando las verduras con arreglo a la dureza de cada una de ellas. A cada una de las verduras ir dando un tiempo de cocción para que al final todo tenga la misma textura. Una vez que está todo en su punto, tierno, se agrega agua o zumo de tomate, los ajos fritos con el orégano que se habrá majado en un mortero anteriormente.
Dejar hervir unos momentos y agregar una taza de tomate frito, dejar cocer otros minutos. Si se ve que se queda poco jugoso, agregar zumo de tomate o agua.